We want you to volunteer!

Antioch VFD is staffed by 100% unpaid volunteers.

  • Accredited by The Georgia Firefighters Standards and Training Council
  • Over 80% of all funding is provided by donations from the community
  • 24 members provide service out of six fire stations covering the Southwest corner of Harris County; from I-185 West and State Route 116 South.
  • Support Mutual Aid calls across Harris County

Fire Equipment

All trucks and related equipment are necessary to ensure our Insurance Service Organization (ISO) rating remains low. The skill, dedication, commitment, and readiness of the AVFD membership, ensures favorable homeowners insurance rates. Our work saves you money!

  • 6 - Class A Pumpers
  • 1 - 105ft Rear-mount Aerial Quint (only two in Harris County)
  • 1 - 3,000 gallon Water Tender
  • 1 - Wildland fire truck
  • 1 - Light Rescue truck
  • 2 - Support trucks

What does it take to be a Volunteer Firefighter?

  • You MUST be willing to sacrifice personal time and energy, for the good of your community, neighbors and self. Requires commitment, dedication, selfless service, and the support of family and friends.
  • Minimum requirements for firefighting is the 95 hour, Georgia State Registered Volunteer Firefighter Course. Firefighter I certification is encouraged (390 hrs).
  • At least 24 hours basic firefighter refresher training annually and 40 hours (completed) of 80 hours (offered) of training in additional Fire Service and Emergency Response topics (can be combined).
  • Routine equipment preventative maintenance, checks, and services are required to keep equipment operational.
  • All apparatus, SCBA’s and hoses are tested annually, to ensure compliance.
All training and equipment are provided! It is possible to start as a volunteer with AVFD and become a fully certified professional firefighter at NO cost to you!
Ask about the State Firefighter Pension Fund-also at no cost.

How can I help?

In addition to firefighters, we need other support/services. Services in marketing, communications, fund raising, grant writing, data entry, public education, graphic design, fleet management, small engine repair, diesel repair, and financial donations. (AVFD is a 501(c) non-profit. All monetary and service donations are tax deductible.)